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This is a website, which means it sometimes goes offline
Or how those bloody Normans screwed up our language Are you an English-speaking monoglot like me? Feel faintly ashamed that you can only speak the one...
In the 1990s, computers were magic and we were wizards. Want proof? I offer below, Larry Wall’s foreword to Learning Perl from 1993. It greatly inspired a very young me who wandered into a book shop, picked up an odd book with llama on the cover and a seemingly misspelled title. The first few pages […]
An in-depth look at the Ada programming language, its history, and what it has to offer developers today. As well as a fistful of my humble opinions.
An intriguing new entrant to the field.
A fast, friendly, functional language
pkpy is a lightweight(~ 15K LOC) Python interpreter for game scripting, built on C++ 17 with STL.