See a bigger, interactive version (requires Javascript). GraphViz source code included below.
// Render with twopi; neato output looks better, but is too sprawling. // Also twopi better preserves the original intent. digraph { layout=twopi overlap=scale label="Outliners, note-taking apps and everything\nCC-BY-SA" Outliners [shape=folder;style="bold,filled";fillcolor=yellow] Outliners -> { OrgMode Zim } OrgMode [fontcolor=blue,label="Org Mode",href=""] Outliners -> Old -> hnb Old [shape=folder,style=bold] Outliners -> Unusual -> { TreeSheets TreeLine } TreeSheets [fontcolor=blue,href=""] TreeLine [fontcolor=blue,href=""] Unusual [shape=folder,style=bold] Outliners -> Mobile -> Orgzly Orgzly [ fontcolor=blue, href="" ] Mobile [shape=folder,style=bold] Outliners -> Formats -> { OrgFiles OPML } Formats [shape=folder,style=bold] OPML [ fontcolor=blue, href="" ] // Orgzly -> OrgFiles [weight=0] OrgFiles [label="Org files"] NoteTaking [shape=folder;style="bold,filled"; fillcolor=yellow;label="Note\nTaking\nApps"] NoteTaking -> Zim NoteTaking -> Web -> { TiddlyWiki "Feather Wiki" Domino } Web [shape=folder,style=bold] TiddlyWiki [ fontcolor=blue, href="" ] "Feather Wiki" [ fontcolor=blue, href="" ] Domino [ fontcolor=blue, href=",0" ] Zim [ fontcolor=blue, href="" ] NoteTaking -> MobNote -> { Markor Tiddloid } Markor [fontcolor=blue,href=""] Tiddloid [fontcolor=blue,href=""] MobNote [shape=folder,style=bold,label=Mobile] NoteTaking -> OldNote -> { Tomboy Gnote } OldNote [label=Old,shape=folder,style=bold] }
Copyleft: This is a free work, you can copy, distribute, and modify it under the terms of the Free Art License.